Vim 003 - Jump like a kangaroo - 0.2

Publish date: Sep 29, 2022
Author: Nemanja

You want to jump like a kangaroo? Let’s learn horizontal jumping :).

Having code example like bellow:

document.getElementById('patterns-nav').scrollTop = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('scrollPoint'));

If my cursor is at the start of the line and I want to jump to the = sign I could do:

f= - to find = sign and jump to it

t= - to jump to one character before = sign

If I wanted to jump to localStorage I would do it with this command:

2f( - to find second opening parentheses and jump to it, with that I’m just one character before localStorage

To jump to the end of the line you can use

$ - to jump to the end of the line

A - to jump to the end of the line and switch to INSERT mode

If your cursor is at the end of the line you can use

0 - to jump to the start of the line

- to jump backwards to the first non-blank character

I - to jump to the first non-blank character and to switch to INSERT mode

F= - to jump backwards to the = sign

2F. - to jump backwards to find second dot just before scrollTop

These are commands that I am using all the time when I need to jump horizontally, and it works perfectly for me.