Authorization Code Flow (PKCE) for Public Clients
Let’s explore how Authorization Code Flow with PKCE (Proof Key For Code Exchange) extension works in OAuth 2.0.
In this example we have a Public Client ( that wants to access User (Resource Owner) Gmail contacts. Flow starts when User initiates Authorization Request on ( by clicking “Get Gmail Contacts” button. Client app redirects User to Google’s authorization server ( with GET /oauth2/authorize request. The request contains:
- response_type=code → Requesting an authorization code.
- client_id=msnID → Identifies the application.
- scope=contacts → Requesting permission to access the user’s contacts.
- redirect_uri= → URL to redirect after authorization.
- state=some_state → State that can be passed from client to Authorization Server (example: To remember from which page user came)
- code_challenge=1GdfTujiO45FrtH & code_challenge_method=sha256 → PKCE mechanism to enable Public Client to securely authenticate on Authorization Server when requesting an access token. Client app generates code_verifier (random string between 43 and 128 chars) then it uses code_challenge_method in this case SHA256 algorithm to calculate a new value, and then it uses base64 function to finally calculates code_challenge.
Next if the user is not logged in, the Authorization Server displays a login screen (username/password form).
If already logged in, this step is skipped. After that Authorization Server displays consent screen showing the requested
permissions (contacts). The user approves or denies the request.
If User approves, Authorization Server redirects User to the specified redirect_uri (
The redirect URL contains an authorization code ?code=ghtWe23Dafd$3ad
Next Client app exchanges authorization code for an access token with making POST /oauth2/token request. The request includes:
- client_id=msnID → Identifies the application.
- grant_type=authorization_code → Required when exchanging authorization code for an access token.
- redirect_uri → Required parameter when requesting an access token.
- code=ghtWe23Dafd$3ad → Authorization code that Client app obtained in the previous step.
- code_verifier=asdf123avafr → Code that Public app created and used to generate code_challenge param. This param is used by Authorization Server to calculate code_challenge itself, and to verify if code_challenge sent in previous request is same. If it is same then Client app is successfully authenticated on Authorization Server. Next Authorization Server checks if code=ghtWe23Dafd$3ad is valid, and if yes it returns response with and access token.
Next Client app sends an access token in request to Resource Server ( Resource Server will then check validity of access token by calling POST /oauth2/introspect endpoint (Token introspection) on Authorization Server. If access token is valid it will return Users Gmail contacts, if not valid it will return 403 Forbidden response.
Resources: (Generate code_challenge)